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The Menhirs | Grahamstown
Bouldering on the obelisks next to the N2 2014. Photo thanks Derek Marshall collection.
Grahamstown bouldering 2014. Photo thanks Derek Marshall collection.
Munching Mushrooms, bouldering in Grahamstown 2014. Photo thanks Derek Marshall collection.
Bouldering in Grahamstown 2014. Photo thanks Derek Marshall collection.
Morne van der Mescht bouldering opposite the campsite. ~ 1998 Photo thanks to Morne van der Mescht collection.
The Menhirs | Grahamstown
The obelisks that have been erected alongside the N2 have been on the Grahamstown climbing curcuit for years. Jeff Stevens mentions them in his 1994 Grahamstown Crag Guide.
Acsess is unrestricted.